+88 01330008574 bdserve2020@gmail.com

Security Service

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Security Service

Close Protection Service

Politicians, celebrities, and other high-profile individuals are often targeted by security threats. Close protection services can help to protect them from these threats and ensure their safety.diverse range of offerings, each tailored to elevate your environment to new heights of freshness and hygiene.

Highly trained and experienced personnel: Our close protection service is delivered by a team of extensive ly trained and skilled professionals. Our agents possess a deep understanding of threat assessment and mitiga tion strategies, ensuring maximum security for our clients.

Global expertise: We specialize in providing close protection services globally, with a network of agents and contacts in various locations. Whether you require executive protection during international travel, event security, or secure transportation, our team can adapt to different environments and ensure your safety anywhere in the world.

Tailored solutions: We understand that each client has unique security concerns and requirements. Our close protection services are fully customizable, starting with a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential threats. We then develop personalized security plans and strategies to address your specific needs, delivering peace of mind and a sense of security.

Discreet and professional approach: Confidentiality and professionalism are at the core of our operations. Our close protection agents act with the utmost discretion, blending seamlessly into your personal or profes sional surroundings. We prioritize your privacy and ensure that all security measures are carried out without disruption to your daily routines or activities.

24/7 support and emergency response: Our commitment to your safety extends beyond regular business hours. We provide round-the-clock assistance and immediate response capabilities, should an emergency or security threat arise. You can rely on our team to be available whenever you need us, ensuring your protection throughout the day and night.

Security Services

Security and Gardener Services

Security Service

Security Service

Security Service

Security Service

Security Service

Security Service

Security Service

Security Service

Security Service

Security Service

Security Service

Gardener Service

About BD Serve

We, BD Serve Cleaning & Pest Control are not simply service providers; we are fervent guardians of cleanliness and hygiene, committed to safeguarding your spaces from the intrusion of pests and ensuring an environment that's not just pristine but also safe.

Contact Information

House No: 104 (Ground floor), Park Road, Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh

(+88) 01330008574, 01330008575
